Program Description
The Community Development and Human Services Committee typically meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m at the David Gephard Public Meeting Room at 630 Garden St.
The Community Development and Human Services Committee (CDHSC) was established in 1994 by Resolution No. 94-120 and is a combination of the Citizens Task Force on Community Development and the Human Services Committee. The City annually receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the Federal government to be used for activities that eliminate slums and blight. Activities may include housing, public/human services, capital projects and other eligible activities. Since 1975, citizen participation in allocating these funds has been provided.
Each year funds are also allocated from the City's General Fund for the Human Services Program which provides services to youth, seniors and the disabled as well as some health services, with a primary focus on emergency services such as shelter, food and safety. Evaluation of proposals from agencies which provide such services, and fostering integration and cooperation between these agencies, is a function of the Community Development and Human Services Committee.